If we did all the things we are capable of, we would
literally astoud ourselves. - Thomas A. Edison

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tackling the Garage

Paul and I have been out in the garage sorting through boxes and trying to get more organized. The entire garage was filled with boxes from when we moved in...back in March. Yes, boxes were everywhere with one little walk way to get in the door. Well everything has been organized (somewhat) and packed away, put away, thrown away and some has even been given away. I should have taken a before picture! Once all the boxes were out of the way we wanted to make a work area for projects and stuff. We started building. First thing, saw horses. Next, workbench. With lots of room and a place to work, what's the first thing we do? Fill it back up of course!! Here's a picture of our latest project...

New console table and matching side tables! As soon as I found Ana, I have been on overload with all the amazing furniture pieces I can build myself!! I will never buy new again...
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